
Julia lennon children
Julia lennon children

julia lennon children

Tuvo también otras tres hijas, entre ellas Julia Baird, autora del libro John Lennon, Mi Hermano (1988). Tres canciones de Lennon, «Julia», «Mother» y My Mummy's Dead estuvieron explícitamente dedicadas a su madre.

  • Julia Lennon, nacida como Julia Stanley (Liverpool, 12 de marzo de 1914-ibídem, 15 de julio de 1958) fue la madre del célebre músico británico John Lennon, sobre quien tuvo gran influencia en su vocación y en sus primeros aprendizajes musicales.
  • Se svým manželem se nikdy nerozvedla a s Dykinsem žila až do konce života ve společné domácnosti. S Johnem 'Bobby' Dykinsem měla později dvě dcery, Julii a Jackie. Později se jí ze vztahu s velšským vojákem narodila dcera, ale pod nátlakem ze strany rodiny bylo dítě dáno k adopci.

    julia lennon children julia lennon children

    Po stížnostech její starší sestry Mimi Smith liverpoolské sociální správě předala péči o svého syna své sestře. července 1958) byla matka anglického hudebníka Johna Lennona, který se narodil během jejího manželství s Alfredem Lennonem. Harry later moved to Henley and worked for George as a groundsman at Friar Park and as far as I know, he’s still alive. Paul, George’s nephew later inherited the jacket too. In photo above which is from around that time, Harry’s wearing George’s leather jacket from Hamburg.


    In the sixties, they lived in Whitby, Ellesmere Port and Harry worked as a driver for Shell. Harry and Irene had 2 children, Paul born 15th January 1960 and Janice born 27th August 1962. Irene also used to go and see the Beatles at the Cavern. They lived in Liverpool as a newly weds and George would bunk off school in his final year, going round to see Irene instead of going to school. Harry married Irene on the 20th December 1958, with the Beatles - consisting of just George, John and Paul then, famously played at the wedding reception. Both George’s brothers are very private people, just like George, so finding info on them is very tricky. He was born in 1934 (I think I have his proper birthday somewhere - I will edit this when/if I find it). Harry Harrison is George’s eldest brother. In the photo Louise is pictured with George and Peter, their other brother, and George is holding Leslie, Louise’s daughter. Currently she’s still living in the US where she works with a Beatles tribute band. In any case she and George reconciled before George died, but I believe Louise has since fallen out with the Harrison estate. This has been reported as a rift that went on for a long time, but Louise says it wasn’t. Louise and George had a disagreement over Louise lending her name to a hotel in the US. She divorced her husband and married again but that marriage ended in divorce too. In the early days of Beatlemania, Louise was quite involved with promoting the band in the US, but she fell out with Brian Epstein a bit over a radio station which interviewed Louise and then George when she rang him at the New York Plaza when the Beatles first came to the US and George was poorly. She had two children - Gordon Jr and Leslie. She moved around quite a lot living in different parts of England, Scotland, Canada and then settling in Benton, Illinois in America. She married her first husband, Gordon Caldwell when George was still young so she didn’t live at home with him for a lot of his childhood. Ingrid worked as a nurse but has since retired and moved to France. Julia and Jackie were unaware of Ingrid’s existence until they were adults, but they have met since - the first time being at a blue plaque unveiling at Mendips. Also, Ingrid herself seems to believe that Peder Pedersen was her biological father, not Taffy Williams. However, other reports say that John never knew about his third sister. Some reports say John was told about her around 1964 by his aunt Harriet, and that he tried to find her by using a private detective. There are a lot of confusing and conflicting reports about Ingrid. She’s said that she discovered she was adopted and related to John in 1966 while she was working as a nurse, but she didn’t try to contact anyone as she was afraid it would upset her adoptive mother. She was adopted by Peder Pedersen, who was Norwegian and his wife, Margaret and they renamed the baby Ingrid Marie Pedersen. Alf offered to raise the baby as his own, but pressure from Julia’s family made her give the baby up for adoption. Julia met him while married to Alf Lennon and they went out for a couple of years before Julia fell pregnant. Born Victoria Elizabeth Lennon on the 19th June 1945, John’s eldest half sister was the daughter of Julia Lennon and her father was a Welsh soldier called Taffy Williams.

    Julia lennon children